After experiencing a tumultuous year in 2022, characterized by a shortage of gas supplies and a rise in energy bills, Europe is now seeking long-term solutions to the energy crisis paving the way for a green transition instead of solely relying on emergency measures.

Already before the energy crisis, The European Commission has adopted a range of proposals intended to make EU’s energy, transport, climate and taxation policies compatible with reducing net greenhouse gas emission by a minimum of 55% by 2030 from 1990. Objective: make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.

Video source: European Commission.

Making All Kinds of Transport Sustainable

The European commission suggests ambitious goals for reducing the CO2 emissions of new cars and vans. On February 14th, the European Parliament passed law to end sales of combustion engine cars by 2035.

  • Promote EVs and clean fuel utilization

In order to stimulate clean vehicles market, the European Commission is actively encouraging the development of zero - and low- emissions vehicles, by ensuring the availability of charging infrastructure for short and long journeys.

  • Extend emission trades to road transport

Starting 2026, emissions trading will be extended as well to road transport, this will enable pollution to be priced and encourage utilization of cleaner fuel. The revenue generated from these emissions trades will be invested to develop sustainable technology.

  • Make the aviation industry more sustainable

In order to enhance sustainability in the aviation industry, The Commission is proposing the introduction of carbon pricing and the removal of previously granted exemption. Furthermore, the utilization of sustainable aviation fuels will become mandatory for airplanes departing from EU airports.

  • Reduce polluting fuel use for Maritime Sector

To ensure the maritime sector contributes fairly to the decarbonization efforts of economy, The Commission will extend carbon pricing to this industry. Moreover, major ports will be assigned targets to provide ships with shore-based electricity to reduce the use of polluting fuels that also harm local air quality.

Leading the third industrial revolution

Through the ecological transition, the European industry will be developing new markets for clean technologies and products. The proposed measures will have a positive impact on all value chains in sectors such as energy, transportation, construction and renovation, helping the creation of well-paying employment across Europe.

Renovating buildings for more ecological lifestyles

Renovating homes and buildings will help to reduce energy usage, improve protection against extreme temperatures, and reduce energy poverty. The new social fund will provide an envelop of 72,2 M€ over 7 years to invest in buildings renovation as well as access to sustainable mobility and even income support.

Collaborating with nature to protect our planet and health

The Commission proposal involves restoration of European forests, soils, wetlands and peat-lands, which would increase CO2 absorption with low costs and improve our environment’s resilience to climate change. In addition, the Commission suggests new strict measures to prevent non-sustainable forest exploitation and protect areas of high value biological diversity.

Enhancing global cooperation for climate change

The European Green Deal has inspired international partners to establish their own targets for climate neutrality. The EU plans to present their proposals and ideas at the upcoming United Nations climate conference COP28 UAE - United Nations Climate Change Conference taking place in Dubai this November.