As the world seeks to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and move towards renewable energy sources, such as — Solar and Wind — power, it is obvious that we find ways to save the energy, as we all know, the wind does not blow all the time and certainly the sun does not always shine, hence the need for energy storage technologies to compensate, today Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) have become an integral component in supporting the integration of these sources into the grid.

Image: Victorian Bigbattery, Tesla

When energy is stored, it allows the efficient use and management of the energy sources, while also helping to address issues related to grid stability, reliability, and resilience. One of the most promising energy storage technologies is lithium-ion battery, which is rapidly becoming more efficient and cost-effective.

As the demand for renewable energy sources increases, the world is witnessing a surge in the number of energy storage projects being established across different countries.

BESS Projects

Some of the most notable energy storage projects known so far.

Project Name Country Company Cost Power (MW) Energy Capacity (MWh)
Hornsdale Power Reserve Australia Neoen/Tesla $90 million 150 194
Deux-Acren Project Belgium Corsica Sole/Tesla €33 million 50 100
Megapack Project Slovenia NGEN/Tesla €16 million 20 40
Hertfordshire Battery Storage Project UK EDF Renewable £18 million 50 50 (75)
Minety Battery Storage Project UK Penso Power/CATL £25 million 150 266
Holes Bay Project UK Harmony Energy and FRV - 7.5 15
The Chinchilla Battery Project (Kogan Creek) Australia CSEnergy/Tesla $150 million 100 200
Victorian Big Battery Storage Project Australia Neoen/AusNet/Tesla Services - 300 450*
Victorian Big Battery Storage 2 Australia Neoen/Tesla - Up to 600 -
Pillswood Energy Storage Project UK Harmony Energy/Tesla £75 million 98 196 (per cycle)
Saint-Benoit Project (La Réunion) France Corsica Sole/Tesla €4 million - 10

BESS, Which Companies?

Tesla is one of the leading companies in the development and deployment of large-scale battery storage projects around the world. Its Megapack product, a stationary energy storage system that uses lithium-ion battery technology, has been used to provide grid balancing services, support the integration of renewable energy sources into the grid, and provide backup power during outages, the Megapack product has gained widespread use and recognition for its excellent performance and reliability.

In addition to developing and deploying large-scale battery storage projects around the world, the company has also been working on advanced software to optimize the performance of these systems. The Autobidder software is a prime example of this effort, it is an artificial intelligence-based platform that allows energy storage systems to automatically participate in electricity markets, buying and selling energy at the most opportune times.

However, Tesla is not the only player in the BESS market. Other major companies include CATL, LG Chem, Fluence, AES, and Siemens are other major manufacturers of lithium-ion batteries, while CATL, Fluence, Greensmith Energy, and AES Energy Storage are among the companies offering battery storage solutions.

Image: CATL

As the demand for renewable energy sources continues to grow, more and more companies are investing in battery storage technologies. By doing so, we are reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and harnessing the infinite power of renewable energy, we are taking significant steps towards a cleaner, more sustainable future for our planet, it is without a single doubt that we can look forward to a brighter future, one in which our energy needs are met while protecting the environment for generations to come.