As we continue to grapple with the challenges of climate change, it’s easy to feel a sense of despair and helplessness, but recent data released by a North American company (TESLA) gives us reasons to feel more optimistic about our ability to create a brighter and more sustainable future.

What is the problem?

More than 70% of the global energy comes from fossil fuels and this is a huge concerns around the world since this leads to rising global temperatures and CO2 levels, as well as premature deaths from pollution, in fact new data released by the European Environment Agency (EEA) shows that only in Europe air pollution kills more than 1200 children and teenagers every single year, so we need and must start the transition to more sustainable energy sources now.

Infographic: eea.

What is being done?

Governments and Companies all over the world are working hard to solve the problem; one in particular is Tesla, a North American company that has made it the sole purpose of their existence, per the company, they do exist only to help — accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy — and to demonstrate how important the matter is to them, they — open source their patents — making them accessible for anyone who wants to design and build sustainable products, they are convinced that the mission is achievable, in fact, the Company CEO recently stated that there is a clear path to a fully sustainable earth with abundance, that we can even sustainably support a civilization much larger than the current 8 billion humans living on earth; we encourage you to read their Master Plan 3 , a message of hope the company demonstrates in a 5 step plan to acomplish the mission.

Each company adopts unique methodologies to address environmental dilemmas. One of Tesla’s strategies is to design compelling products that are far superior to their fossil fuel counterparts in every way, source and manufacture them as sustainably as possible and sell as many of them as they can, every sustainable product they sell moves the needle in the direction of a sustainable future, as a matter of fact, a single Tesla vehicle avoids 55+ tons of CO2 over its lifetime and when it comes to the way they manufacture the cars, the data shows that the total emissions from an EV can fall below quickly that of a comparable Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicle after just 2 years of driving the vehicle.

2023-05-15-ev-ice-ghg-decresal-over-timePhoto: Tesla.

The company has just released the 2022 impact report, showing the beneficial impact of their efforts on the environment, the result is promising, one of the key takeaways from the report is the progress that the company has made in increasing the adoption of electric vehicles. As of 2022, the company had sold over 1.3 million electric vehicles worldwide, and that number is only set to grow as more and more people switch to cleaner, more sustainable modes of transportation. This is a significant step forward in the fight against climate change, as transportation is one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions.

2023-05-15-ev-ice-ghg-decresal-over-timePhoto: Tesla.

But it’s not just about electric vehicles. Tesla is also working to improve renewable energy infrastructure around the world. The company has installed over 10,000+ charging stations globally, making it easier for electric vehicle owners to travel long distances without worrying about running out of power. In addition, Tesla is expanding its energy storage solutions, which can help to reduce the need for fossil fuel power plants and improve the stability of electrical grids.

2023-05-15-tesla-ecosystemPhoto: Tesla.

Another key aspect of the report is Tesla’s commitment to reducing its own carbon footprint. The company has made significant progress in this area, with its factories and operations now powered by 100% renewable energy. This means that every Tesla vehicle produced has a significantly lower carbon footprint than traditional gasoline-powered vehicles.

Of course, Tesla is just one company, and there is still a long way to go in the fight against climate change. But the progress that the company has made gives us reason to be optimistic about the future.

How can you help the mission?

There are several actions you can take today to help transition the world to sustainable energy. First, consider switching to renewable energy sources for your home or business, such as installing solar panels or signing up for a green energy program through your local utility provider. If possible, consider purchasing an electric vehicle, they are becoming affordable, also numerous countries are offering generous incentives and subsidies to consumers in fact, the Tesla Model 3 is the first Electric Vehicle in history priced competitively with its gas-powered equivalents and this is even before taking into consideration any regional subsidies and lower running costs. You can consider using public transportation, biking to reduce carbon emissions. You can also read our article on how to reduce your carbon footprint.

As more and more companies adopt sustainable practices and technologies, we can begin to shift the trajectory of our planet towards a more sustainable future. Ultimately, the “2022 Tesla Impact Report Highlights” serves as a reminder that we have the tools and the knowledge to create a brighter and more sustainable future. It’s up to all of us to take action, whether that means switching to electric vehicles, supporting renewable energy projects, or advocating for policy changes that prioritize sustainability. With continued effort and dedication, a brighter and more sustainable future is definitely within our reach.

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