As the climate crisis continues to unfold with heightened intensity, it becomes evident that transitioning to a greener, cleaner, and more sustainable society is of utmost importance. Throughout Europe, this urgency has been magnified by a growing energy crisis, which has revealed the fragility of our energy systems and our susceptibility to price fluctuations. This emphasizes the critical need to swiftly adopt renewable and dependable energy alternatives.

According to reports, nearly 75% of all greenhouse gas emissions are attributed to the energy sector. By shifting towards greener energy sources, we have the potential to significantly improve our society, benefiting both the planet and its inhabitants.

Throughout Europe, the path towards a Green Transition is being pioneered by startups. These visionary innovators are fearlessly dreaming big and experimenting with novel approaches, solutions, and strategies for energy production and distribution, among other areas. As a result, renewable energy options such as wind, hydro, tidal, geothermal, biomass, and solar have become increasingly accessible. Witnessing these developments unfold is truly exhilarating.

Today, we wanted to showcase a brilliant startup in the EU that is contributing to innovation in the renewables sector and will soon be making a BIG positive impact Airthium.

Based in France, this remarkable clean technology company has achieved a breakthrough with an ingenious heat engine. This innovative engine is specifically designed to replace fossil fuels, playing a crucial role in decarbonizing industrial heat and power generation. Airthium’s ambitious plans involve deploying this cutting-edge technology to tap into a significant $138 billion annual business opportunity within the clean energy sector. To fuel its expansion and meet its goals, the company is actively seeking investment from retail investors and has been gaining considerable momentum in doing so.

Airthium, guided by a team of six accomplished PhDs and benefiting from the counsel of the former CEO of General Electric Company Renewable Energy, has successfully created an acclaimed clean energy engine. This cutting-edge engine achieves unparalleled efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and boasts a remarkable zero carbon emissions footprint. The company’s primary objective is to begin by decarbonizing industrial heat within the range of 160 to 500°C, which accounts for approximately 3% of global CO2 emissions. Following this achievement, Airthium aims to extend the application of their heat engine technology to address electric power generation, targeting an impressive 30% reduction of global CO2 emissions in this sector.

In the long run, Airthium envisions a future where it can deliver 100% clean electric power on a large scale by leveraging its heat engine as the core of an advanced seasonal energy storage system. This innovative storage system combines CO2-free synthetic ammonia combustion with pumped heat energy storage (PHES) using molten salt or sand. Notably, it offers a remarkable storage capital cost that is 100 times lower than conventional lithium-ion batteries and can provide storage for thousands of hours.

Source: Airthium

With this groundbreaking seasonal energy storage solution, Airthium aims to completely replace fossil fuels as backup power sources, thus significantly reducing CO2 emissions associated with fossil-fired power generation. Through widespread adoption of Airthium’s technology, solar and wind energy can become the dominant sources of electricity by 2050, even with the anticipated rise in electricity generation due to increased electrification.

To achieve these ambitious goals, Airthium boasts an experienced team with the backing of investors and industry support. They are currently working on constructing the first 250°C (1022 °F) prototype, slated for completion in 2023. The company plans to subsequently bring its heat engine technology to the commercial market and collaborate with leading industrial companies to make a substantial impact on the global clean energy sector, actively contributing to the fight against climate change.

Source: Airthium

As we navigate the challenges of the climate crisis, such advancements in technology offer hope for a greener, cleaner future. By spearheading the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, Airthium actively contribute in shaping a world where solar and wind energy can dominate the electricity landscape, making a lasting impact on generations to come. With determination, innovation, and industry collaboration, sustainable energy Startups exemplify the power of human ingenuity in addressing the most pressing issues of our time.